Skoda enjoyed favourable sales in 2018 with record numbers when it comes to delivering its cars and calculating its profit. Delivering 1,253,700 vehicles, Skoda set another record in 2018. Compared to the previous year, the car manufacturer increased its worldwide deliveries to customers by 4.4%. Sales revenue also increased by 4.4% compared to the previous year and achieved the best result in the company’s history at 17.3 billion euros (2017: 16.6 billion euros). 

In 2018, Skoda invested extensively in the company’s future, increasing investments in tangible assets by more than 22%. These funds were used for new products, drive and battery technologies as well as the further development of the sites. Skoda invested more than 500 million euros directly in plants and facilities in the Czech Republic. Expenditure on research and development increased year-on-year by 46.8% last year. 

SEE ALSO:  Skoda Roadiaq is a one-off electric camper

The car manufacturer has also launched the most comprehensive investment programme in the company’s history. Over the next four years, 2 billion euros will be spent on e-mobility and new mobility services alone. With the launch of electric mobility, 2019 marks an important milestone in the company’s 124-year history. By the end of 2022, the car manufacturer will have introduced over 30 new models, more than ten of which will be partially or fully electric.