Steinbach based German tuner Cam Shaft has approached the Cadillac CTS-V on which it applied a series of exterior changes, and also fitted a compressor kit for extra power.
The Cam Shaft Cadillac CTS-V has lost all of its original chrome parts at the exterior (25 in total), as the tuner has deplated them and painted them in matt black, including the wheels. These elements are in contrast with the matt-white body finish, and in terms of performance the Cam Shaft Cadillac CTS-V now features a kit developed by Wait4Me which includes optimized engine software and a larger air intake together with increased boost pressure (+0.4 bar).
These upgrades enable the 6.2-litre 8-cylinder engine powering the Cam Shaft Cadillac CTS-V to develop 630 HP.
Pricing for the whole Cam Shaft Cadillac CTS-V conversion (including installation) is 9,300 Euro.
Cam Shaft press release :
SELECTIVE PERCEPTION – Cadillac CTS-V with 630 hp
Normally, American limousines come with rich chromium plate and quite intensive consumption. On the whole, this is the long-established practice. In the meantime, however, it seems that USA began to realize that the world’s resources are not infinite.
As for the shiny chrome, you may work exactly in the opposite direction in order to be perceived more selective. Cam Shaft from Steinbach represents a very successful example of this approach.
The Cadillac CTS-V shown here has borrowed a lot from the well-known stealth bombers. The outer visible surface was foiled in Matt-White. And both the doors and their visible edges could be foiled additionally, as an optional feature for the customer.
In contrast, all chrome-plated parts including rims have been deplated and spray-painted in matt-black. And even the wheel bolts have not been spared: in fact, they have been black nickel-plated. Black and White in perfection.
Regarding the engine modification, it is reported that the compressor drive have been fitted with the kit made by Wait4Me performance, a larger air intake has been polished and installed, and the software have been optimized. The additionally increased by 0.4 bar boost pressure gives the 6.2-liter eight-cylinder GM-Urgestein engine that is used in Corvette ZR1 a total power of 630 hp, but this is not nearly enough to hold even approximately with the stealth bomber level…
– Full foil finishing of the outer visible surfaces in matt-white costs 2250 €.
– Deplating and painting of 25 chrome parts in matt-black, including wheels painted in matt-black and black nickel-plated wheel bolts costs 3250 €.
– Compressor kit costs 3800 € including installation.

11 Dec 2010