The list below describes a number of myths and facts regarding breathalysers. One of the reasons that determined Alcosense to offer details on what is an urban myth and what is the truth when is comes to breathalysers is a recent event that involved rugby legend JPR Williams getting prosecuted in a drink and drive matter.
Apparently the iconic rugby figure within the 1970s Wales team had tried to ‘trick’ the breathalyser device by putting a penny under his tongue. We don’t know where he got this idea from but since we are now reading about him being prosecuted, it obviously didn’t work.
That is why reading this breathalysers myths and facts list might shed some light into this matter and also save you from getting other ‘interesting’ thoughts on how you can get away with drinking and driving.
Alcosense press release :
With the recent drink drive prosecution of rugby legend JPR
Williams, after he tried to get away with drink driving by putting a
penny under his tongue, two questions have to be asked; firstly, why do
people get behind the wheel under the illusion they are fit to drive,
and risk people’s lives? Second, what are these urban myths and do they
have any scientific basis to work?
So let’s look at some the most common urban myths, and we’ll give you the facts.
1. Strong coffee will keep me alert, sober me up.
Only time will rid your body of alcohol. Caffeine in coffee cannot keep you alert and restore judgment.
2. Bigger people can handle their alcohol better.
It is true that body size can affect in the rate alcohol is absorbed,
but you must also consider individual metabolism, the amount of rest
you had and when you last ate.
3. Put a piece of metal in your mouth, suck a copper coin
This one has shot up the charts recently, thanks to the publicity given
to a sporting legend trying to alter the result of a roadside breath
test. As he found out, it doesn’t work…
4. Hold your breath before the test.
This will actually have the opposite effect and make your breath
reading falsely high! This is because the concentration of alcohol in
the air in the lungs will become higher because the air is not passing
through them, but you blood will continue to flow round.
5. Hyper ventilate before the test.
This will have the effect of lowering your breath sample, but the
Police are wise to it – that’s why they’ll talk to you for a few
minutes before the test to make sure you haven’t got the chance to do
6. Spray fresh breath spray into your mouth before the test.
Most fresh breath sprays have a very high concentration of mint, which can fool the breathalyser into reading higher!
7. Burp it out
This causes the liquids and/or gases from the stomach — including any
alcohol — to rise up into the soft tissue of the esophagus and oral
cavity, where it will stay until it has dissipated. Again, this one’s
more likely to put you behind bars of the metal variety!
8.Drink lots of water
A breathalyser measures the content of alcohol in the air in your lungs
and contrary to popular belief has nothing to do with your stomach or
urine. Leave this one to help with the hangover.
Currently the legal UK drink drive limit is 80 milligrams of alcohol
per 100 millilitres of blood (0.8%) or % 0.08 Blood Alcohol Content
Only TIME will reduce your BAC. So other myths like cold showers,
exercise, fresh air, vomiting, tablets or home remedies can be
Talking to National Media recently, Hunter Abbott CEO of Alco Sense advised;
"Breathalysers are pretty foolproof devices and if you have been
drinking there is no escaping a positive result," adding "The best
advice for anyone who has had a drink is, don’t drive. You will always
find people trying them [urban myths]. But police have seen them all
and if they think you are trying it on, you will get more closely

16 Mar 2010