Audi, along with Marvel Entertainment, LLC, announced the launch of its digital Iron Man “Steer The Story” comic book contest in support of the brand’s presence in Marvel’s Iron Man 3 and overall involvement with the film franchise. The contest, which officially launched last week, gives Marvel’s Iron Man 3 fans the opportunity to become a co-creator and to decide what happens to Tony Stark in the Audi and Iron Man comic book by voting via social media sharing.

To kick off the contest, Audi released a video revealing the contest details. Marvel’s Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso and editors Jeanine Schaefer and Bill Rosemann will serve as the contest judges for the final component of the contest, which gives consumers the chance to create their very own final panel to Tony Stark’s adventure by drawing or photographing their submission. Iron Man fans can visit to view the first chapter of the Audi and Iron Man comic book and begin voting through their mobile device, tablet and/or desktop to steer Iron Man’s fate.

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This week, Audi will be releasing two short videos giving fans step-by-step instructions on how to draw Tony Stark’s Audi R8 and Iron Man’s helmet, arming particpants with tools used by Marvel artists as they prepare their very own final panel. Audi will reveal the results of the first voting period today and will also launch the second chapter of the comic book. On April 22, Audi will reveal the results of the second voting period, and will also launch the third chapter, giving fans the opportunity to upload their submissions depicting the finale of Tony Stark’s adventure.

All participants who submit a creative final panel will be acknowledged in the final page of the Audi and Iron Man comic book. Eligible participants in the United States, who upload their creative panel for the final chapter beginning April 22 (12:00 a.m. ET) to May 3 (11:59 p.m ET), in accordance with the Official Rules and Conditions, will have a chance to win prizes. On May 10, two finalists and one grand prize winner, selected by Marvel judges, will be announced via On May 24, all participants will be directed to to download the final Audi and Iron Man comic book.

Source: Audi