You’ve probably seen this coming as you might be familiar with Switzer’s P800 and E900 projects that delivered 800 HP and 900 HP respectively so the it was just a matter of time until the1000HP Nissan GTR would arrive. This project is actually named the Nissan R35 GTR and the R means it needs high octane race fuel to achieve the 1000HP figure.
Some of the modifications that were performed on the 1000HP Switzer Nissan R35 GTR include  reinforced engine internal package, custom camshafts, spec 3 transmission by Sheptrans, new fuel injectors, the ‘Monster’ intercooler package, new larger turbos and manifold and a new titanium exhaust system.
The 1000HP Switzer Nissan R35 GTR also features an additional cooling package, high-pressure waste gates and a stand-alone engine management.
If you want to turn your stock Godzilla into a 1000HP Switzer Nissan R35 GTR then pricing for the whole package is 59,990 USD.
Watch the video with the 1000HP Switzer Nissan R35 GTR after the jump.

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Video: 1000HP Switzer Nissan R35 GTR

Source: Switzer